









  • WordPress主题库
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  • WooCommerce
  • 主题保险丝
  • 模板怪兽
  • 优雅的主题
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  • StudioPress
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  • 演示页面和设计使您可以减少大部分编码和设计工作。例如,某些主题包含大量演示包,可立即启动不同行业的主页。您可能还会看到有关“关于我们”页面和联系表格之类的演示。
  • 一个简单的WooCommerce集成工具,可以为您配置大多数在线商店。 WooCommerce为您完成了很多工作,但是许多主题在此过程中增加了一些额外的步骤。
  • 基于电子商务的设计元素,例如动画购物车图标和产品集合画廊。
  • 当您的客户在较小的设备上购物时的移动界面。
  • 可视化定制器或拖放界面,用于以更可视化的方式设计网站。为了以防万一,您还希望有一个自定义HTML和CSS的区域。
  • 与其他电子商务和页面构建插件的集成。那里有很多电子商务插件和扩展。确保检查是否支持您的收藏夹,或者自己进行测试。
  • 当您计划将商店扩展到其他市场时,或者如果您已经有使用不同语言的客户,则使用翻译工具。

  • Megamenu支持,以防万一您开始获得越来越多的产品并需要一个将顾客吸引到所有菜单的菜单。

  • 高质量的客户支持,或至少某种形式的在线论坛。一流的客户支持对于在线商店至关重要,因为问题可能会对您的业务造成真正的伤害。
  • 确保您从用户考虑的所有主题中查看评论,评分和评论等内容。
  • 不同的产品页面样式和格式。
  • 多种列表格式,以便您可以按自己的方式组织产品库。
  • 您还希望检查博客区域,以确保开发人员没有在该区域偷工减料。







  1. 确保主题销售页面上确实提及有关与WooCommerce集成的内容。
  2. 测试演示以查看是否有任何页面被配置为在线商店。
  3. 考虑具有更好的客户支持和更高的电子商务集成潜力的付费主题。
  4. 跳过评论很少或评分较低的大多数主题。
  5. 向开发人员询问有关主题与WooCommerce的配合情况。
  6. 检查其他用户的评论和问题,看看是否有关于WooCommerce的提及。在这里,您通常会发现有关集成的公正观点。














在搜索栏中输入“ WooCommerce”。







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  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:1,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,Elementor等。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是




Hestia WooCommerce主题与视差滑块,照片库和旅行地图模块一起必将促进您的转换。


  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:100,000+
  • 集成:Elementor,WooCommerce,平面视差滑块,照片库和旅行地图。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是


Neve是ThemeIsle提供的另一个免费WooCommerce主题。从高级设计人员到初学者,这对所有技能水平都是一个有用的选择。主题还具有漂亮的前端,具有鲜艳的色彩和可自定义的项目,例如字体和颜色。 Neve与AMP兼容,并且考虑到当今有如此多的人通过手机在线购买,因此它具有移动优先的方法。




  • WP.org评分:5分5
  • 下载:50,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,Visual Composer,SiteOrigin,Divi和许多其他页面构建器。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是






  • WP.org评分:4.5 / 5
  • 下载:4,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce
  • 轻松的多语言支持:似乎并非如此




Activello WooCommerce主题提供了最小的设计,但还提供了响应性,JetPack集成和完全SEO支持的必备功能。全屏滑块一定会引起人们的注意,那里的内容定制工具可用于更改颜色和字体等内容。



  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:10,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,Jetpack,Yoast SEO,重力表单和W3 Total Cache。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是






  • WP.org评分:5之4
  • 下载:8,000+
  • 集成:联系表7,WooCommerce,Yoast SEO和WPML
  • 简单的多语言支持:是




这是一个完全免费的主题,主题的响应性确保所有客户都能在较小的设备上看到您的博客文章和产品页面。滑块令人印象深刻,因为它带有一些覆盖文字和快速上传按钮,用于将一些高分辨率照片放置在主页上。这是Colorlib的另一个主题,因此您可以看到公司创建了多少个免费主题。 Colorlib的优点在于,如果您对更多功能感兴趣,它们会提供高质量的支持和高级升级。


  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:40,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,Jetpack,联系表7,bbPress等。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是



闪闪发光的主题真棒是您可以在技术上将其用于任何类型的业务。这是一种高度通用的免费WooCommerce主题,旨在为应用程序开发人员,设计师,艺术家和旅游公司等公司寻找博客和专业知识。 Sparkling主题具有出色的插件支持,您会收到从Font Awesome图标到无限颜色选项的所有信息。


  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:40,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,联系表7,bbPress,Jetpack等。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是


Fashion Diva是时尚和生活方式博客作者的理想起点。考虑到默认的颜色和样式适合时尚行业,我们不建议在其他方面使用。这是一个女性化的主题,顶部有美丽的粉红色和社交媒体按钮。您可以利用图像滑块突出显示博客文章,同时还可以链接到投资组合和在线商店项目。

请记住,这是Blossom Fashion主题的子主题。因此,您需要两者都可以使您的网站正常运行。除此之外,这个主题是为那些花费大量时间将图像发布到Instagram的时尚达人打造的。您可以在您的网站上共享这些帖子,并使用20个小部件根据自己的喜好自定义样式。


  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:1,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce和主要的社交网络
  • 轻松的多语言支持:可以支持,但不是最好的


Di eCommerce具有在构建传统在线商店时通常会想到的设计。它具有亚马逊式的氛围,但更干净,具有大型菜单,顶部的社交媒体按钮以及无论客户在哪个页面上都始终可见的购物车。图片滑块是一个不错的选择,多列非常适合在列表中展示您的功能或产品。

Di eCommerce主题用作响应式WooCommerce主题,您还可以获得仍然拥有漂亮的WordPress博客的优势。总体而言,Di eCommerce具有许多现代设计元素,并且巨大的菜单可帮助您简化导航,但功能强大。

除社交配置文件,粘性菜单和侧边栏布局之外,Di eCommerce主题还为制作价格不高的电子商务商店提供了诀窍。


  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:1,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,PDF发票,MailChimp的简易表格,Elementor等
  • 简单的多语言支持:




要考虑的另一个方面是Shopper WooCommerce主题在移动设备上看起来很漂亮。这包括平板电脑和智能手机,所有内容都井井有条。背景边框和颜色是可自定义的,因此从技术上讲,您不必使用经典的白色背景。









  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:30,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,SiteOrigin和Flash工具包
  • 简单的多语言支持:有限




优雅的ShopIsle WordPress主题严格地是为在线商店构建的,因此,如果您主要是建立博客而不是考虑开设电子商务商店,则建议您忽略它。除此之外,ShopIsle中的实时定制器非常适合拖放某些最重要的站点元素。

该主题还可以与您最喜欢的页面构建器一起使用,例如Beaver Builder,SiteOrigin和Divi。我们在列表中列出了几个ThemeIsle WooCommerce主题,我们强烈建议您为商店测试其中的大多数主题。


  • WP.org评分:4.5 / 5
  • 下载:40,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,联系表7,Meta Slider,SiteOrigin,WPML等。
  • 简单的多语言支持:是


Orfeo是ThemeIsle的Hestia的儿童主题。它不一定适用于在线商店,但确实具有很好的WooCommerce集成。 Orfeo建议的一些利基市场包括医学,博客,体育和时尚。


所有好的在线商店都有电子邮件营销工具。 Orfeo的优点在于,它具有SendInBlue集成,可以收集这些客户的电子邮件并发送您可以设计的最佳新闻通讯和自动化广告系列。其他一些集成包括Travel Map,Elementor和Photo Gallery,它们在在线商店中都有各自的用途。


  • WP.org评分:5之4
  • 下载:20,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,旅行地图,SendInBlue,平面视差滑块,照片库等。
  • 简单的多语言支持:有限


如果您要在标题中使用大型菜单和购物车图标寻找更传统的设计,则必须使用eStore WooCommerce主题。

此ThemeGrill产品是在线上最受欢迎的WooCommerce主题之一,尤其是考虑到许多用户喜欢您不仅可以与WooCommerce集成,还可以与YITH WooCommerce Wishlist插件集成的事实。




  • WP.org评分:5之45
  • 下载:10,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,YITH WooCommerce愿望清单插件和其他一些
  • 简单的多语言支持:有限


Easy Store与我们上面讨论的主题相对类似,具有经典的电子商务网站设计布局。主题可以在首页上显示产品库,还可以包含类别下拉菜单,大型菜单和交互式购物车按钮之类的项目。对于那些想要看起来与亚马逊有些相似的品牌来说,这是一个结构精美的主题。它不仅与WooCommerce兼容,而且移动设计为您的用户带来购物体验。

考虑到您可以利用YITH Wishlist插件和其他一些流行插件为您的客户提供更多在线选择,某些集成肯定会改善您的在线业务方式。 Mystery Themes公司是这个主题的背后,根据我们的经验,在线客户支持是高质量的。除此之外,您还可以期待从页脚小部件到自定义菜单,到翻译选项到多列的所有内容。


  • WP.org评分:5之4
  • 下载:3,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce和YITH WooCommerce的愿望清单
  • 简单的多语言支持:是


电子商务宝石是WooCommerce最好的主题之一,特别是因为它提供了大的图像空间和用于在您的网站上放置各种横幅的选项。这是一个多功能的WooCommerce主题,可用于多种类型的商店。例如,将ECommerce Gem用于珠宝店和宠物店并不奇怪。与列表中的所有主题一样,“电子商务宝石”与WooCommerce集成得很好。没有列出其他集成,但是通过我们的测试,您对第三方插件应该没有任何问题。



  • WP.org评分:5之4
  • 下载:5,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce
  • 简单的多语言支持:否


对于明亮,有效的电子商务网站设计,请考虑Theme Freesia的ShoppingCart解决方案。它充满了小部件区域,您可以在首页上发布各种横幅尺寸。


创建一个具有ShoppingCart WordPress主题的精美电子商务网站非常简单。有很多功能需要解压缩,但是其中的组件可以帮助您最好地组织站点。因此,我们非常喜欢在线商店甚至投资组合的主题。



  • WP.org评分:5/5
  • 下载:5,000+
  • 集成:WooCommerce,bbPress,联系表7,Jetpack,Breadcrumb NavXT,WP-PageNavi等
  • 简单的多语言支持:是


WP Store来自8Degree Themes。该设计是最好的免费WooCommerce主题之一,具有极简风格和大面积横幅广告。


WP Store WooCommerce主题是为小型企业精心设计的解决方案。如果您打算迅速进行扩展,我们不建议您这样做,但是在开设高质量的在线商店时,博客和小型企业应该没有任何问题。

简单的设计对您的公司和用户都非常有用,并且您还可以利用全角模板,多列和自定义背景的功能。 It’s not the most popular WooCommerce theme out there, but it packs quite the punch for smaller businesses.

WP Store theme

  • WP.org Ratings: 5 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce
  • Easy Multilingual Support: No

The Best Premium WordPress Themes

More often than not a serious online store requires more than a free WooCommerce theme. This isn’t to say that free themes aren’t any good, but you typically need more advanced features such as social media tools, demos, and better galleries.

One of the first reasons we like premium WooCommerce themes is because they typically don’t cost that much in the first place. Secondly, you get premium support, which is often a must-have. Finally, premium themes often come with demos, which are much easier to work with than a blank slate.

Having said that, keep reading to learn about the best WooCommerce themes (premium versions).


The Porto theme is a professional ecommerce solution that’s ranked as one of the top WooCommerce options on ThemeForest. The price tag is currently $59, and that gets you items like over 30 website demos and a giant library of layouts. Some of the demos include designs for online stores, corporate websites, and portfolios.

As mentioned, the theme offers a complete library of drag and drop design elements. Some of our favorites include the FAQ, call to actions, and accordions. You can also place a list of products anywhere on your website. You may also consider something like a portfolio or countdown area.

As for the primary design features, users experience a simple interface with a quick demo import area. You can also choose from an unlimited number of colors for when you need to match your branding. You’ll see that several premium plugins integrate nicely with the Porto theme.

In addition to the optional integrations, you receive some premium plugins for free. One of them is Slider Revolution for making beautiful images and video sliders. The other is called WPBakery, a wonderful page building tool with drag and drop elements. Overall, this is the complete package if you’re in need of one of the best WordPress themes.

Porto theme

  • Ratings: 4.91 out of 5
  • Downloads: 32,000+
  • Integrations: MailPoet, WooCommerce, WooCommerce Product Filter, GeoDirectory, YITH, WPML, and many more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: If you install a plugin

The Retailer

The Retailer theme boasts some sleek designs, along with a reasonable price tag of $59. You get to enjoy a classic ecommerce design, with collection galleries, thumbnail images, and a full shopping cart module in the upper right-hand corner.

The customer support from this developer is known to be nicely handled, and the theme itself involves all sorts of elements that are great for speeding up the development process. We like the fact that you can make an unlimited number of unique pages, especially when you need to pump out a wide variety of landing and product pages.

The WordPress block editor is supported through The Retailer theme, but you also have the chance to choose your own page builders, such as Elementor, Visual Composer, or WPBakery. Some of the advantages of the WooCommerce integration include support for shippable products and downloadable items.

You can also configure a dropshipping business if that’s more your style. The flexible shop layout is there for you to move around sidebars and columns. Some companies like having filters on the side, while others include them at the top of the page. Other than that, we would need an entire article to go through the entire feature-set of The Retailer theme.

The Retailer theme

  • Ratings: 4.63 out of 5
  • Downloads: 14,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, WPBakery, Gutenberg, Visual Composer, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes you can go with, primarily because the Elegant Themes team has done a wonderful job of catering to developers with clients. Overall, Elegant Themes lets you sign up for a yearly membership, giving you access to all of its online resources, plugins, and themes. The Divi theme comes with a page builder for some of the easiest designing you can find.

Not only that, but the Divi builder has hundreds of drag and drop elements for online selling. Some of these include call to actions, sliders, galleries, product pages items, and more. Furthermore, there are several Divi layout packs made just for ecommerce shops. For instance, some of the layout packs include full demos for fashion, photo marketplace, and eBook online stores.

After installing your layout pack you can customize beautiful pages like blog posts, About Us pages, and Contact pages.

One license costs $89 per year, and you can also get lifetime access for $249. Overall, the pricing is reasonable from Elegant Themes, and you also get some solid customer service. The forums and knowledgebase areas are filled with information and support reps willing to help you out.


  • Ratings: No page with ratings
  • Downloads: No information on this
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Major Email Marketing tools, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


The Sober theme starts your design off with the Visual Composer plugin. This way, you can drag and drop elements instead of working with code most of the time. The beautiful product pages are highly customizable and can be unique based on the product you’re working with.

Sober also comes with several unique header styles to introduce customers to social media buttons, the menu, and more. The built-in live search recommends products as users type in letters.

The theme provides a product quick view with an Add to Cart button shown without having to go to the product page. WooCommerce integrates nicely with Sober and is known to run very fast on the theme. You can even utilize the portfolio functionality, setting up a nice gallery of your favorite products for customers to sift through.

The blog is also a stylish one, with beautiful sidebars and lots of whitespaces to make the reading process easier.

Some of the other elements we really enjoy include the translation tools, the full typography library, and the powerful SEO tools. This is a fully optimized design for mobile devices, and the one-click demo installation means that your design can be launched within a matter of minutes.

You’ll also notice that over 12 predefined homepages are there for you to choose whether you’d like more of a modern layout or something rustic. It’s all packaged in a nice, neat theme for the ultimate design.

Sober theme

  • Ratings: 4.77 out of 5
  • Downloads: 4,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, EasyCart, WPBakery, Visual Composer, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


WoodMart offers a distinct styling for “woodsy” stores. It’s tough to figure out exactly what this means, but from the looks of it, the majority of the demos are nice for furniture, liquor, and outdoor outfitter stores. There are also plenty of other options when building with WoodMart, but this “woodsiness” is certainly prevalent when you’re working with the theme.

Having said that, WoodMart provides support and integrations for many premium plugins such as WPBakery and Slider Revolution. The over 60 demos are great for constructing sites and making your product catalogs look professional. This responsive theme offers unlimited header layouts and appearances.

The full AJAX shop and pagination area is useful for filtering based on product variants. For instance, a customer can go to the website and filter based on colors, sizes, and much more. Pair that with some excellent advanced variable products with swatches and you’ve found yourself a product showcase that can’t be beaten.

WoodMart theme

  • Ratings: 4.95 out of 5
  • Downloads: 10,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, WPBakery, WPML, MailChimp, and many more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Shopkeeper has become a household name in the WooCommerce theme market, building up plenty of ratings and reviews and providing users a huge library of demos. This is one of the most impressive WooCommerce themes you can find, boasting dozens of product page layouts, a beautiful default configuration, and product image zoom capabilities.

YouTube videos are also supported on your product page galleries.

This truly is a hassle-free theme, seeing as how you can save tons of time with the quick demo uploads and the beautiful drag and drop interface. Create stunning product catalogs throughout your website, and utilize the multiple tools for adjusting what the shopping carts look like.

The unlimited header styles are great for changing around what customers see first, and the flexible shop layouts include options for infinite scrolling, Load More buttons, and classic pagination. Finally, the responsive design looks wonderful, and Shopkeeper has one of the best blogging layouts compared to all of the WooCommerce themes on this list.

Shopkeeper theme

  • Ratings: 4.62 out of 5
  • Downloads: 27,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, EasyCart, WPBakery, WPML, and many more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


The North WooCommerce theme boasts a beautiful modern layout that’s suitable for fashion and technology brands, along with others that are willing to customize a bit. This responsive theme has several demos that can be installed within seconds.

What’s great about these demos is that they don’t have any industry-specific designs. This way, you aren’t limited to how much you customize your websites.

For instance, a product landing page is provided, along with a snap and scroll homepage module. These are great for all types of companies. In addition to that, the North theme has multiple product page styles and listing styles. These work wonders for making your product and category pages more unique. The blog styles are also rather interesting and creative.

The off-canvas filtering tool has the functionality your clients need but it also doesn’t take up much space on the website. We also like that the header styles are robust enough to cover plenty of space on the homepage and get users to click on information about new products.

North theme

  • Ratings: 4.47 out of 5
  • Downloads: 1,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, WPBakery, WPML, Gravity Forms, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Flatsome is one of the best-selling WooCommerce themes on ThemeForest. It sells for $59, and you can build practically any type of ecommerce store you want. The visual builder has a wide range of elements such as videos, portfolios, and maps. You can drag all of these in their proper places and even adjust fonts and colors in the same step.

The theme is optimized for both speed and selling, so you know that the customer experience is going to be improved from anything you had before. Hundreds of predefined layouts are included in the Flatsome library, making it virtually impossible to not make something absolutely unique.

The one-click demo content is installed within seconds, and you can find designs for just about any industry.

Finally, the Flatsome theme provides a custom product page builder for having complete control over each and every one of your product pages. This way, you don’t have to stick with one format. Instead, one product page could look completely different than the others.

Flatsome theme

  • WP.Ratings: 4.80 out of 5
  • Downloads: 106,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Yoast Breadcrumbs, Ubermenu, Sensei, and many more.
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes

Electro Electronics Store

The Electro Electronics Store theme is listed at $59. That gets you quite a bit of power behind your online store, considering just the homepage looks like its ready to support thousands of products. Electro Electronics Store is meant to look similar to Amazon or Alibaba, where tons of items are listed at all times, and the customers can search or browse through categories right from the homepage.

This is a widescreen-ready theme, and it also has some impressive mobile pages so that all of your product pages have information like reviews and ratings when shown on mobile devices. Several homepage demos are included for you to test out, and the megamenu is great for getting all of your products and categories in the menu.

One interesting part of Electro Electronics Store is that it integrates nicely with the Multivendor plugin. This plugin lets you run a full multivendor marketplace, similar to Etsy or Amazon. You can ask other vendors to sell products and take a cut of all sales.

Then, all payouts are distributed to the right vendors. Overall, we like this theme for electronics stores, but you could actually sell just about anything on here.

Electro Electronics Store theme

  • Ratings: 4.83 out of 5
  • Downloads: 10,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, and YITH
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Labomba is listed at $49 on the ThemeIsle marketplace. It’s one of the best WooCommerce themes because it comes with over 20 unique homepage variations, allowing you to customize the theme for your own industry and make it nicely branded for any company.

The Ajax cart is fast and user-friendly, while the integrated wishlist helps people remember what they wanted to buy.

The Labomba theme provides a drag and drop page builder with a bevy of ecommerce elements. Not only that, but it’s nice to see that Labomba is multilingual ready and responsive. By default, this WooCommerce theme has sleek, white and black colors, making it nice for apparel stores and anything else that needs a bold, yet professional appearance.

The off-canvas navigation is sure to improve the user interface, while the unlimited color options make branding easy for everyone. We also like the integration with Revolution Slider, since it’s one of the best ways to showcase your new products with visual banners.

Labomba theme

  • Ratings: 4.29 out of 5
  • Downloads: 3,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, WPBakery, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Not really


Mindig has some key features that turn it into a high performing theme for all types of industries. Small companies can take advantage of the easy interface, while larger stores are able to build large product collections and feature them in the form of galleries or banners.

Mindig is considered one of the faster WooCommerce themes on ThemeForest. It also provides over 14 demos such as one for a regular shop and another for a portfolio. The theme is fully brandable with the colors, logo, and header module.

A maintenance page comes with the Mindig theme, meaning that you can put a timer on a one-page layout before launching the website. It’s also nice to see that this theme has a quick view feature for products. Pair that with the zoom effect and you have a user interface dream.

Some of the other cool tools include the catalog mode, hover quickview, shop shortcodes, widgets, and wishlists.

Mindig theme

  • Ratings: 4.31 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, Visual Composer, WPML, and many more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Claue sells for $60, and it has a wide range of integrations just for online stores. For instance, you can install WooCommerce, but then the true power comes from the dropship integration called AliDropship. If you’re interested in dropshipping, this is definitely a theme to keep your eye on. You also get some integration support for plugins like the WooCommerce Bookings extension and WP EasyCart.

All of these integrations are nice, but what about the built-in features and designs? Well, Claue includes social sharing to get the word out about your products. There’s also a product detail builder, which is a must-have if you want to make the best product pages possible. We also like the instant product search so that customers can get suggestions about your products while they type in letters.

Along with an Instagram shop, a lookbook collection, and product bundle features, the Claue theme dedicates a significant portion of its features to ecommerce. That’s why it’s one of the best WooCommerce plugins.

Claue theme

  • Ratings: 4.96 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, AliDropship, YITH, Contact Form 7, and many more.
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


EmallShop sells for $39 and it offers a fully responsive online store design with tons of banner locations and spots for collections. This is one of those themes that is strictly meant for online selling, but you can still have a blog to support your store and push people to make purchases.

Quite a few demos are provided if you purchase the theme, including options for women’s, organic, and medical stores. Over 15 homepage demos are provided, all of which work well on mobile devices. Furthermore, you get a product image slider for showcasing your best items.

We like the shopping interactive shopping cart icons, and the quick Add to Cart buttons are sure to improve conversions. The mobile navigation is one of the highlights of the EmallShop theme, seeing as how it all fits nicely on the screen, yet you don’t completely block out the actual website.

It’s also nice to see that the EmallShop theme offers a sizing guide icon and an area for customers to toggle filters.

EmallShop theme

  • Ratings: 4.88 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, and Revolution Slider
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Eventica has a powerful package of tools for building your online store. It’s one of the best WooCommerce themes for a reason, and it all starts with the fact that you can design an event calendar and even sell tickets to those events.

So, this theme is definitely more of a niche offering, seeing as how not every designer is looking to make an events website.

The premade design templates are there for you to instantly launch pages like event listings, contact pages, and a homepage. The blogging platform is also beautiful, with even better views from mobile devices. The built-in event slider is one of the easiest ways to get users to buy tickets to your occasions, and the translation-ready tools are there to get the word out across the world.

Eventica theme

  • Ratings: 4.39 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Event Slider, WPBakery, Events Calendar, and more
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Merchandiser includes simplicity and style, making for a wonderful frontend interface. You gain access to a theme with all sorts of free space. Some of the default layouts actually look similar to a portfolio, where the main focus is your collection gallery. This way, all of the user’s eyes go straight to what matters most, the products.

Not only is Merchandiser a neat looking theme, but it’s fast and lightweight. It also plays well with the majority of major plugins out there. The easy customizer is refreshing, and you can always integrate with one of the better page builders on the market.

Some of the selling features include customer reviews, digital product support, and coupons. The product sorting and filtering look clean and organized, allowing your customers to find the products they want and need.

Merchandiser theme

  • Ratings: 4.29 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce and WPBakery
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Adrenalin injects something special into your ecommerce design, regardless of the type of industry you’re making a site for. By default, it has more of an outdoorsy look, but all of that can change with some adjustments to the fonts, colors, and images. Then you can activate one of the premade demos for companies like restaurants, travel agencies, and electronics stores.

The fantastic theme options are there to ensure that you never have to mess with any code. But if you would like further customization you have access to a sleek CSS area. A few integrations are included such as WPBakery and Layerslider. Not to mention, your store gets some nifty tools such as the Quick View option that lets people quickly see limited details about a product and purchase right from the popup.

Adrenalin theme

Adrenalin theme

  • Ratings: 4.83 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, WPBakery, and LayerSlider
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes


Handmade offers a rustic structure to your website, with grittier textures and fonts. That doesn’t mean it lacks elegance since Handmade does incorporate plenty of dazzling, swooping lines, and fonts. In fact, you have plenty of homepage demos to choose from depending on your industry.

We recommend this if you’re selling handmade goods such as candles, woodworking items, or crafts. Essentially, this is one of the best WooCommerce themes for those who would typically sell their creations on Etsy. And since Etsy takes a percentage of your sales, you should always have a website to get most of your revenue from customers.

Several PSD files are included for further customizing the design, and you also get access to premium plugins such as Visual Composer and Revolution Slider, both of which add some pop to your website without cluttering the space.

WooCommerce looks great on the mobile interface, and the one-click demo installation pretty much publishes the website for you. Along with Font Awesome icons, mega menus, and unlimited colors, creatives can’t go wrong with the Handmade theme, all for the low price of $60.

Handmade theme

Handmade theme

  • Ratings: 4.24 out of 5
  • Downloads: 2,000+
  • Integrations: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, and Revolution Slider
  • Easy Multilingual Support: Yes

Planning to launch a new #ecommerce site soon? Check out this curated list of the 30+ best WooCommerce themes (free and paid) to find your perfect fit!??


Which of the Best WooCommerce Themes Should You Choose?

This is a tough question, but one that can be answered with the help of a little guidance. After all, with so many themes on the internet, which are the best WooCommerce themes? Even this list is pretty long, so it may be tough for you to decide.

If that’s the case, take a look at some of our final suggestions before pulling the trigger.

  • Seek out themes that have a free version and a premium upgrade. That way you can test them out beforehand and either stick with the free version or go with the upgrade later.
  • Although it’s tempting to always save money with free themes, most legitimate companies start with either a premium theme or a completely custom website design. The reason for this is the quality of support, better features, and the low pricing of premium themes.
  • Make a list of the features you need before installing a WooCommerce theme. Then, scroll through the feature lists of your favorite themes to see which ones have what you want.
  • Try to find themes with multiple demos included. This way, you can utilize a demo that’s potentially already designed for your industry.
  • Check comments and questions on the Download pages prior to buying. You may notice that some users are having trouble with some features or that the ratings may not reflect what users are actually thinking. This is also a good chance to see how responsive a developer is.
  • Consider a child theme with a framework if you’re worried about switching themes in the future and losing content and design elements.

That’s all we have for the best WooCommerce themes! If you have any questions, or if you’d like to mention some of your favorite WooCommerce themes, let us know in the comments below.